Sunday, September 27, 2009

Practice Practice Practice

I have just reintroduced myself to charcoal and forgot how fun it is. It's awesome (and humbling) to break out of graphic-mode long enough to smuddddge my way through shapes and volumes. I could stand to be a little more fluid, use the *whole* grey scale and explore composition... that being said, more to come.

Here's the Bear Grylls study next to the MATADORA...all dressed up in her pink grip tape.
This is Sundays in the Garage

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When my "other" work goes well...

These are a few of the gems from this year's invitations, logos, flyers, concepts...& it's refreshing to look back and see the diversity of events: lacrosse camps, weddings, vacations, charities... Keep the need for printed pieces coming!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When work goes well!

AACC Tradeshow in Chicago July 2009